Isn’t it incredible how much babies grow and change in such a short amount of time? When I had my first baby, my husband and I  referred to her as our “newborn” for the longest time. It wasn’t until she was 4 months old and we went to visit our friend, who just had a baby, when we realized our baby was absolutely no where near being a newborn anymore! She was so big and her facial features had matured so much in just a few months! We were left wondering, “Where’d our newborn go?”

This little 3 month old boy came into my Middletown, DE studio recently, and I was so glad to have the opportunity to capture his features at this stage! Baby Branch may be little (he still fits into newborn clothes!), but he was so full of personality!

3 month old baby boy laying on a blanket for a portrait session in Delaware

3 month old baby boy laying on his belly for a portrait session in Delaware


While I was swaddling Branch in this super cute swaddle blanket, he caught a case of the giggles! I had a bit of a hard time finishing wrapping him because his giggle were a bit contagious and I found myself cracking up as well! I thought it was hilarious that I was able to capture an image where he almost looks like he is sleeping, but really he just blinked!


collage of two images of a 3 month old boy swaddled for a portrait session in Middletown DE


Detail images at every stage: newborn, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months are essential! These are always some of my favorite pictures! I even take detail shots of older toddlers and children. I love being able to look back on my own children and remember their little features at various ages. I’m sure I’m not the only mom that gets sentimental like that, so I include them whenever I can during a portrait session.


4 macro images of a baby boy's eyes, toes, ear, and lips. 3 month old baby boy laying on his belly for a portrait session in Delaware


I felt I must end this post with my favorite image of the session, because it totally cracks me up! I can see this being a meme for just about anything you can possibly come up with. Happy Friday everyone! May you all have a fabulous weekend!


Image of baby boy smiling and blinking captured by Middletown DE baby photographer Ashley Harrison



I am a Middletown DE baby photographer. If you are interested in more information about what a portrait session with me is like, please get in touch by clicking the button below and send me a quick email!

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