Happy New Year! As we just said goodbye to 2018, like many of you, I have been reflecting on this past year and creating new goals as a professional newborn photographer for 2019. While doing so, I relished in that some of my best work was created in 2018. I couldn’t help but think about where I started, versus where I am now, and want to share a bit about what I have learned.
Frozen by Fear of Failure
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a professional newborn photographer. I bought my first SLR camera when I was in high school. While on the yearbook staff, I learned my way around the dark room, developing film. I wanted to major in photography in college, but I let fear of failure hold me back, and I didn’t create a portfolio to apply for acceptance into the program. Convinced I wouldn’t be accepted, I didn’t even try.
Fast forward a few years. I was married, had a couple of kids, and my creative spark was reignited. I desperately wanted to be a newborn photographer, and had offered to take pictures of friends’ newborns for free so that I could gain more experience and improve my skills.
One friend, had just delivered a baby and I was scheduled to go to their home to do pictures. A few days before, she posted some pictures of her baby that another photographer had taken. The images were beautiful, and skillfully posed. I knew that those images were beyond my skill level and to be honest, I was completely devastated. Just like the wind was knocked out of my sails, as I felt I could not produce anything close to as good as what my friend had already received. The urge to quit was strong.
Give Up, or Take Chances
This was a major turning point for me in developing my artistic passion. In the moment, I wanted to give up. It is easy to not take action. Taking action is uncomfortable and scary! Once again, I almost let fear of failure win. Instead, I invested in some courses. I looked to others whose work I admired and learned from them. More friends had more babies, and I kept practicing.
You can all guess what has happened in the many years since then. Stepping out of my comfort zone opened up doors of opportunity that didn’t exist before. It led to greater growth as a person, an artist, and a business owner than I had ever seen before.
Now, here I am today, working as a professional photographer in Middletown, DE, and I can’t believe that I almost gave up. I have come so far as a newborn photographer! I’m not stopping here though. I have bigger dreams and goals, and am excited to watch them come to fruition!

Developing one’s talents does not always come easy. I can see my dreams coming true, but it hasn’t been without hard work and pushing aside a whole heck of a lot of fear!

What is your passion?
Are you letting fear hold you back from trying?
Please don’t let it stop you. You have so much to offer. Let 2019 be the year you step outside your comfort zone, and let the magic happen.
If you or someone you know are expecting a new baby in 2019, I’d love to connect with you and give you some details about a newborn portrait sessions! Let’s get in touch!
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