These Are Not The Newborn Hospital Pictures You Want

Although the past few days in Delaware have been sweltering hot, believe it or not, fall is right around the corner. There is so much to love about fall, and we are especially excited as we will be welcoming our 6th baby into our family. However, one part I am not looking forward to, is having another newborn during cold and flu season. I’m sure Kent General (Bay Health), AI Dupont Hospital for Children, and Christiana Hospital all get inundated with RSV cases every winter, and it is not fun! I wrote a post recently about my son, who almost died when he was 3 months old, from RSV. (I’m sure there is no doubt that you all will agree with me, when I say that these are not the newborn hospital pictures you want! )

This topic has been on my mind a lot recently, probably because I am pregnant, and I also just got my pertussis shot (which is recommended now for every pregnancy), so I’m feeling as if I’m starting to get into my “ultra protection” mode.  As I feel the discomfort in my left arm, where my shot was received, I am reminded of the fragility of a new life and our own “near death” experience.

Did you know there is a medication for RSV?

Collage of a baby boy in the hospital because of complications with RSVI want to share something I learned about RSV, although it wouldn’t have applied to my child at that time. Currently, there is no vaccine for RSV. However, there is a medication that can be given to those who may have the largest risk factors, to help prevent infection. Unfortunately, most insurance companies won’t pay for this medication, unless your baby meets certain risk requirements. Otherwise, it is extremely expensive to pay out of pocket for this medication, which is given multiple times. Other than infants who have compromised immune systems due to underlying health issues, I don’t recall what all the risk factors are. One of them, however is having a baby that was premature that will be attending daycare.

RSV is highly contagious and can be incredibly dangerous for infants. If your baby was premature, and will be in daycare this fall, you may want to talk to your doctor about RSV and about the risks and benefits of the medication for it and see if it would be a good protection for your baby.

If your baby has had RSV, or has been given this medication, I would love to know your experiences. Please leave a comment below!


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