Newborn Photos In Hospital Settings In New Castle County

Ahhh… there are not many sweeter things in this world than a newborn baby. Having recently entered my 3rd trimester, I am getting anxious to have our baby here and soak up some newborn snuggles! Something about the miracle of a new life coming into this world, being so perfect and innocent leaves me breathless and in awe every time! I love doing newborn photos in hospital settings. Those first few days are so precious, being able to help families capture those moments is one of my favorite parts of being a photographer. family meeting their baby in the hospital

I honestly can’t believe that I am about to have my sixth baby! My husband and I never really set out to have six kids. We always agreed that we would probably have four, and then evaluate from there. After our fourth, I definitely was feeling outnumbered, but could not get the thoughts and feelings out of my head that we should have another. After our fifth, we decided we were done, but ended up having a bit of a surprise earlier this year, when we learned number six was on the way! We are excited, but definitely never expected to have such a large family. We love it though, and couldn’t love our kids more!

Currently, I am set to deliver at Kent General Hospital (Bay Health) in Dover, but my last newborn was delivered at Christiana in Newark. I have done newborn photos in both hospitals for clients, and my husband has worked at both as well. I guess being in Middletown, between both hospitals has me wondering which one I should deliver at, or if it even really matters. We’ll see! I hope to do at least a few more Fresh 48 sessions (newborn sessions done while still in the hospital) in both facilities in the next few months before I deliver!

If you or someone you know is interested in scheduling newborn photos in the hospital, contact me here!

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