Finding Courage To Tell
I have debated for many months if I should share this or not. I am a child photographer, and this is a sensitive subject for some, as it hits close to home. As I have weighed the pros and cons, I ultimately have decided that it is better to share our story than to hide it. I know that I am not alone in this battle, and hope that by sharing others will find solace and comfort knowing that they too, are not alone.
I am not sure when I even began noticing we had a problem. You could say that it was such a slow progression, that I hardly realized what was happening until it was too late. My husband has been showing signs of having this condition as well, but not as badly as all of our kids do. In fact, I’m not sure if he really has it, or if the kids’ condition is reflection onto his own behavior as well. Maybe if the kids were better, he would be better too. All I know, is that I am the ONLY one in the family that has no symptoms whatsoever.
I know you are all wondering what it is that I am talking about. I am sad to say that each of my kids have been diagnosed with PCS. Yes. It is true. They have Photographer’s Child Syndrome. Okay, okay… so to be honest, I self-diagnosed them. But they have all the signs and symptoms, so I am confident in my diagnosis.
I have been working diligently with each of them, trying to help them get better. I hope to share another blog post one day about the steps I have taken to cure the of this tragic disease.

I think my husband’s face says it all here….

Please, children dearest… just ONE nice photo!

Definitely a forced smile!

Upon exiting the car, my toddler saw the location we had previously taken pictures at and immediately threw himself on the ground and cried.
Sigh… we tried.

“But Mom, I just don’t like taking pictures!” I, on the other hand, thought we were having fun and was surprised by her sudden burst of tears!
Are you concerned that your child or children also have PCS? Please read the signs and symptoms below to determine if you too are dealing with the unthinkable.
Your Child Might Have PCS If….
If you have answered “yes” to one or more of the questions above, your child may be suffering from PCS. The more you responded “yes” to, the worse the disease has progressed.
Let us band together, and find a cure for PCS! I know it is out there. If we all come together, I’m sure we can find ways to help each other. Until then, please know, that you are NOT alone. I am here for you, if you need a shoulder to lean on during this difficult time.
If you think your child/children suffer from PCS, please, I would LOVE to hear your story. Please include a picture if possible! Send stories/images to:
Ashley Harrison is a professional photographer located in Middletown, DE. If you are interested in discussing how I can help you capture your memories through a customized portrait session, please contact me for more information!
Oh my gosh, this cracked me up! I think the photos are great despite the clear PCS in all of them.
Thanks Amy! These will become treasures for sure! Lol!
This is hilarious and beautifully done. Thanks for the giggle this morning! 🙂
This is great. I have one child with PCS and one without. I’m so blessed! lol
sending you a virtual hug Jodi! 😉
This is awesome!!! 😂😂
This cracked me up! It would be hilarious if it weren’t so real. 🙂
The forced smile…been there, seen that, captured it.
This is great!
Sigh… and THIS is why photographers hire other photographers to take pictures of their kids! Sometimes my kids are definitely my most difficult subjects! 🙂
I have tears in my eyes, I’m laughing so hard! As a photographer with a background in psyche, with a 5 year old who’s hit-or-miss with pictures, this is fantastic!
Glad you got a good laugh and can relate! Thanks for commenting Sarah!
Oh this is too funny! I feel so lucky my daughter loves to be photographed! But am prepared for the day she decides she doesn’t like it anymore and turn to this!!!
Honestly, mine can be hit and miss. On their own, they are each much easier to capture their personalities than when I stick them all together. The group shots are when their symptoms of “PCS” REALLY come out!
Ahahahahaha!!! This is totally my family!! Thanks for the laugh 😀 And you totally got me in the beginning! 😛
Hilarious!!! Loved this 🙂
My Child definitely has CPS, it has gotten worse with age lol
So glad I am not the only one experiencing this!
Haha yesss!!! This is absolutely amazing!
Thanks Janie! Glad you enjoyed it!
I can totally relate to this. These are, afterall, my kids too. The struggle is real, not just for the photographer but also for the husband trying to assist in getting the right poses for her!
Thanks husband 😉