Model Call: Modern Nursery and Baby Girl Age 3-6 mo | Delaware Baby Photographer
Hello! I am a professional photographer, located in Middletown, DE. I am looking for someone who has a modern, nicely decorated nursery and a baby girl, between 3-6 months old. I have several baby blankets that I need to stage in the nursery, both with and without a...

It’s Not What You Think! | Middletown DE Macro Photography
Today was a beautiful, unseasonably warm day in Middletown, DE! Naturally, I decided to pull out my camera and do some macro photography. The flowers were beautiful, vibrant, and so crisp! Okay, okay... you got me! Even Delaware doesn't have flowering...

The Art of Being Born Via C-Section | Delaware Professional Photographer
What makes an image great? Sometimes it is the technique, the manipulating of the camera settings and composing the image just so. Other times, the specific moment one captures makes the image deep and profound. Even more so, is the importance of that image to the...

Sharing The Love | Middletown DE Valentine’s Day Photography
Last weekend was the Limited Edition, Middletown DE 2017 Valentine's Day Photography sessions! It was a lot of fun! Limited Edition sessions are a great way to get a few images of your little ones, without as much planning and detailing of a regular full session. I...

When Tragedy Strikes | Delaware Family Photographer
Imagine driving up to your house. Greeting you, is smoke and flames coming from it. Most of us can only imagine the horror and devastation we would feel. For my good friend Brittany, however, she knows exactly how it feels to lose her home. Thankfully, her husband and...

Double The Trouble, Double The Fun! | DE 1st Birthday Photography
I always kind of liked the idea of having twins (careful what you wish for, right??), Â but never got them. My "twins" came 4 years apart! Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that my daughter would be born on her brother's birthday! This past weekend, we...
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Located in Middletown, DE