3 Tips For Taking Better Photos of Children
3 Tips for Taking Better Photos of Children 1. Eliminate distractions from the background. A quick clean up (which for me often means shoving things just barely out of the frame of the camera) helps keep the focus on the subject, rather than the viewers...

Newborn Photos In Hospital
Newborn Photos In Hospital Settings In New Castle County Ahhh... there are not many sweeter things in this world than a newborn baby. Having recently entered my 3rd trimester, I am getting anxious to have our baby here and soak up some newborn snuggles! Something...

Model Call | Delaware Photography
MODELS NEEDED FOR CREATIVE SESSIONS Welcome to Ashley Harrison Photography! I'm glad you came! If you, or someone you know is interested in a model session with AHP, please read the instructions below! If you fall into either of the following categories, please...

Newborn Photography Props: Tips From A Pro
Newborn Photography Props: Tips From A Professional Delaware Baby Photographer Are you expecting a new baby? If you are planning to have your baby's portraits made, you may be scouring pinterest for ideas for newborn photography props. I don't mind including props...

My Favorite Lenses For Pictures of Newborn BabiesÂ
My Favorite Lenses For Pictures of Newborn Babies I own a variety of lenses, and I utilize them all at different times, depending on the situation and the outcome I hope to achieve when creating an image, I will choose one over the other. Typically, during any given...

Not The Newborn Hospital Pictures You Want | Delaware Newborn Photography
These Are Not The Newborn Hospital Pictures You Want Although the past few days in Delaware have been sweltering hot, believe it or not, fall is right around the corner. There is so much to love about fall, and we are especially excited as we will be welcoming our 6th...
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