Family Portrait Session
Family Portrait Session in Wilmington Oh my. I'm not sure how I missed posting these images! This family contacted me last fall about doing a family portrait session. We met for a pre-session consult and discussed some options for their session location throughout New...

Newborn Pictures of Baby Penelope
Newborn Pictures of Baby Penelope - Middletown DE A week and a half ago, little Penelope and her mom came over for Penelope's newborn pictures. Penelope arrived in this world 4 weeks early, and she is such a dream! Not only does she have the sweetest, most perfect...

Congratulations Class of 2017!! | Middletown Delaware Senior Photographer
To The Graduating Class Of 2017 Another school year down, another graduating class! It is exciting to see what the future will have in store for all of these young souls! I know how cliche this sounds, but it really does feel like yesterday that I was walking up to...

It’s Time To Tell Our Secret | Wilmington DE child photographer
Finding Courage To Tell I have debated for many months if I should share this or not. I am a child photographer, and this is a sensitive subject for some, as it hits close to home. As I have weighed the pros and cons, I ultimately have decided that it is better to...

Keeping Your Newborn Safe During A Photo Session | Delaware Newborn Photographer
Safety During A Newborn Portrait Session As a Delaware Newborn Photographer, I feel a deep sense of responsibility in keeping the babies that come see me safe. I want all of my clients to know, that not only do I practice safe newborn posing, I am also up to...

Whoopie Pies, because… Whoops! | Middletown DE photographer
Whoopie Pies Were Made For Life's Whoopsie Moments Whenever I do something and think "whoops!" I always think of Whoopie Pies. Anyone else think that? No? Just me? Usually is! I'm okay with that! Since this is the way my mind works, naturally, when there is a...
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Located in Middletown, DE